Today, October 15th, is Blog Action Day - the day thousands of bloggers across the world raise their voices as they bring forth the issue of poverty. Many times, people don't want to discuss the hard issues of life. It's easier to walk away from unpleasantness and turn our backs on the very subjects that need our attention the most.
On this day, take a look around you and see what you can do to eradicate poverty in your area.
Concerning this blog, look at the senor citizens around you; those who are living on fixed incomes, living in poverty, often unable to pay medical expenses, health care costs, prescriptions, or even for decent housing. Especially during this time of financial crisis, prescription drug costs are skyrocketing.
Seniors are eating dog food to stay alive; living in homes with no heat or running water because utilities have been cut off.
Senior citizens in dire need of assistance are all around you. Do what you can to help someone rise above the heinous lifestyle poverty brings.
What can you do today? What have you done to help someone in dire need of assistance? Let this be the day that you bring awareness to someones life and get them the help they need. Thank you!
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