Friday, June 20, 2008

Elder Care Cafe's Inaugural Post

Elder care has long been a concern to my family. My mother died in 2004 due to complications from TIA dementia, approximately ten years after her initial diagnosis. You will hear more of her story later.

I am currently living with my eight-five-year-old father who shows signs of possible Alzheimers, or at the very least a diminished thinking capacity. He has not yet been diagnosed. More about Dad on later posts.

Hopefully this blog will become a place of respite, an opportunity to share information and experiences in the world of caregiving - especially caring for our parents. I am at the leading edge of the baby boomer generation (1946-1964) and hope what we share here will be of help to those coming along behind.

So, grab a cup of your favorite beverage, relax a while, and share your experience, impart wisdom or nuggets of information regarding the challenging, yet fulfilling, life of elder care.


Gail Lynn said...

I am so glad you let me know the name of your Blog site. I was wanting to be able to communicate more with you. I totally understand the Dementia/Alzheimer's dilemas. We dealth with it with our Mother for a few years before she passed away. It is an insidious disease.

Edie Dykeman said...

Welcome Gail Lynn, I'm glad you found me. I'm hoping to utilize this site for educational posts as well as a place where people can share info and converse. Thanks for your comment.