We arrived on our new island home on August 23rd. What a trip! in more ways than one. We left on a Thursday afternoon, stayed overnight at a motel about five hours from our home, then traveled to my brother's home for a wonderful stay - bed and breakfast included, on Friday night.
Saturday night we spent in Oklahoma, and Sunday night just 75 miles from our new home. We drove in early Monday morning and were met by a wonderful team of movers who promptly got us into our new living space.
My daughter and her family were there to greet us, took us out to dinner, and made sure we were settled in. We are really enjoying our new lifestyle although Dad, especially, misses all his old friends in Michigan. After all, he had lived all of his 87 years in Michigan. It was tough for him to move, but he stepped up to the plate for the sake of our family. We really appreciate his willingness to make that sacrifice.
We are enjoying our life here although it is very hot. It is starting to cool down now that it is September, and I am sure that we will enjoy the winter. We live within close walking distance of a Dairy Queen and a hamburger drive through - no not THAT one - and will take advantage of both!
Just wanted to update everyone that we arrived and survived a cross-country move. At our age, that is really saying something.
Take care!
5 years ago