Friday, August 8, 2008

An Acrostic Ode to My Siblings

Acrostic means “a composition usually in verse in which sets of letters taken in order form a word or phrase or a regular sequence of letters of the alphabet.”

Okay, that‘s the official Merriam-Webster definition. There are a number of different styles one can use to write an acrostic poem.

My friend, NJJ, who wrote the previous post, writes acrostic poetry in several styles. I am emulating one (I think) that uses a word (siblings), then uses the same letter twice in each of the first two words of each line.

Confused yet? Well, here is my offering, written on a whim today as I was thinking of my brother and sister.


Supportive sidekicks when we were young,
Intently interested in what we've become.

Blessedly blind to our numerous faults,
Lingering, laughing at our corny thoughts.

Instinctively intuitive to our present needs,
Notably nostalgic when we traverse past deeds.

Glaringly genuine when others aren't real,
Satisfyingly strong when we are ready to keel.

There you are – not my first, and hopefully not my worst, acrostic poem.

How does this tie into caregiving and elder care, you may wonder? Both of my siblings have provided much support the last two years. Thought I would thank them with the above poignant poem.

Let us know what you use to get through difficult times.


Susie said...

Aww, you wrote me a poem. Thank you.

Edie Dykeman said...

Better than the limericks and haiku I wrote about you, I hope.