Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Morning Musings

When I moved from Tucson to Michigan in 2006, I made a quick stop at the Grand Canyon. I had lived in Tucson for over a year when I made the decision to join Dad so he could stay in his home.

I love Arizona, especially Tucson, and would love to spend more time there. Michigan has its own attractions, but the wide open space draws me to the southwest. I wasn't able to see everything I wanted in that area, but the time I spent there was well worth the expense of moving across the country twice in less than a year-and-a-half.

As an early riser, I appreciate quiet mornings. With coffee at hand, I'm quite often writing my morning pages or catching up with email. Then as I read the news, both on-line and print, I am in my element. There is something special about spending quiet time with oneself when everyone else is still asleep. It is a time of reflection and renewal before the bustle of daily life begins.

My brother and I had a conversation recently that made quite an impact. I commented that there were quite a few decisions I wish I could change over my life. Things I would do differently knowing what I know now.

His response - as he looked back on his life, he pretty much would do what he did, that he was content with his decisions. I thought, "WOW!" That impressed me. To have that kind of peace about the past is wonderful.

What I have learned over the years is to forgive myself and others, no matter what! That brings peace. I may not have ended up where I could have, but I have peace. And that is important to me.

If you have any regrets, are holding bitterness and unforgiveness in your heart, take the time today and let it all go. Begin each day with a fresh perspective and an open heart and mind to live your life to the fullest.

Someone once said unforgiveness is like having a horse standing on your foot. You can't move forward. Forgive and be free to move on!


Gail Lynn said...

Great "musings". I am really an avid supporter of Fogiveness; it only hurts ME when I don't forgive; the other person is not effected by it at all. It also wastes a LOT of time and energy on my part!!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Edie Dykeman said...

Thanks Gail Lynn. Good to hear from you.